Wednesday 9 September 2015


Anxiety attacks are created when YOU have trained YOUR Mind to be aware, to be vigilant, to be on the look out for and be prepared for an ANTICIPATED STRESSFUL experience. 

This is what fight \ flight \ freeze is about. 

We were never designed to remain in that state of being, in that state of Mind, for prolonged periods of time. Yet for many, that is the state of play.

It is often the very thought of these stressful experiences that creates the anxiety rather than any event or experience itself! That in itself tells you how powerful your thinking is and can be. Keep that in the forefront of your Mind. Interesting isn't it, the expression 'forefront of your Mind'? The forefront of your Mind - your frontal lobes - is the operating system of your body!

So why is it wise to keep the sentence "that in itself tells you how powerful your thinking is and can be" in the forefront of your Mind? Read on.

Have you ever experienced, what you considered to be an 'over-the-top' reaction to a certain event or situation, either by you or someone else?

The 'over-the-topness' of the reaction is evidence that your brain (or the brain of someone who is reacting in an 'over-the-top' way), alerted by thoughts, has activated familiar inner chemistry and has sent it cascading throughout your body. "You feel the thoughts" ; you physically experience them throughout your body!

Those thoughts are often a memory of a perceived traumatic \ fearful \ extremely sad etc
event or experience of the past that created the chemicals you are experiencing now, in the first place. 

By association, feelings - triggered by thoughts, therefore emotions, therefore the resulting inner chemical mix that has been repeated over and over in your life - seem to be an automatic response - the automatic response being the same synaptic connections firing over and over and hence the brain releases the same chemicals over and over - which then becomes a familiar pattern for you. That is why you literally feel the thoughts through the emotions (chemical responses) throughout your body.

Hence, your brain has become "neurologically hard-wired as well as chemically dependent" over the years, to the emotions experienced by the initial perceived stressful experience and when they are triggered by thoughts and by association, it is as if you are reliving that same experience over again internally, in your Mind and throughout your body. 

This is a physical manifestation of a habitual pattern of thinking. 

This is the power your Mind has. 

That being the case, you can utilize that same power to break the habitual pattern of thinking and therefore feeling. 

Remember that. Know that. 

Each and every person is empowered to alter habits. It is knowing this information, understanding it and the acting on it that enables a different pattern to emerge and evolve.

Use this information as a stepping stone towards creating a different response (as opposed to reacting to a particular situation!). Become empowered!

For you!

Lilly Fitzgerald

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