Sunday 28 June 2015


Now here is an interesting interpretation of Negativity:

Negative situations are simply experiences you have not yet mastered. The negativity is the attachment to OLD thinking patterns that no longer serve.

These old thoughts create your current reality which you LIVE out. 

Old thoughts are habits that are deeply embedded in your sub-conscious and are the default position you return to whenever you are in a situation that is similar to the original trigger of these thoughts MANY, MANY years ago.

This gold way of thinking \ old habitual pattern \ old sub-conscious patterning is like a really comfortable BED - easy to get into & hard to get out of!!

Blame Excuses Denial = BED
comfortable  BUT  challenging to 
get out of. 

It is not necessarily where you want to be yet you default to.

A negative thinking pattern, has its foundations in fear. Fear blocks your capacity to think. It disengages your Pre-Frontal Cortex - the CEO of thinking and decision-making within your brain. Neurologically, fear reduces the blood flow and electrical activity in the pre-frontal cortex.

So, when you attempt to think your way of negativity, it DOES NOT WORK!  

When you find yourself in a negative position that you feel overwhelmed by, use a pattern interrupt and do something different:  
  • do something physical
  • something that is fun
  • something that will change your focus 
  • something that will exert you

That is just the first step! The first step is however, an important step!

Why not take it!

Lilly Fitzgerald

Sunday 7 June 2015


We teach what we know and reproduce what we are. 

What we are is what we have learned to be. 

What we have learnt to be are the stories we have accepted as being true. 

What we know and teach reflects those reproduced stories of what we are!

What are you constantly reproducing?

The answer to this question will tell you 
about the stories you are telling yourself - 
and they are only stories!

Lilly Fitzgerald