Thursday 19 November 2015


In light of recent Global events and the consequent fall out from them, never has there been a more important time than NOW to speak about developing COLLABORATIVE societies that have as their goal, to:

further expand their communities for the benefit of each individual as much as for the benefit of the community. 

The sentence above may be long and a bit convoluted in its wording but I am sure you get what I mean. 

For some time now there have been people who have been constantly researching, writing about and delivering presentations about how destructive human beings have been and continue to be, it seems, at an individual level, at a local level, at a global level etc; that destructive tendency appears to be transferring across all aspects of life. We seem bent on destroying things whether it be through the way we think, the way we act, what we say, what we eat............etc.

What is heartening to know, however, is that to the degree that we have suffering, we also have the opposite happening - it just does not get reported on and often the rejoicing & celebration, the respect and collaborative nature of human-ness is dismissed. It doesn't sell, does it!!!

Recently I heard an interview with Dr Srini Pillay during which he explained that according to studies by Freud and many subsequent Psychologists:

the human brain is wired to master disappointment but not necessarily to thrive out of it.

This has been processing in my brain for some time now and this is why:

Those who perpetrate harm onto others use the powerful tool of FEAR to maximize that harm. 

Such people are not only 'terrorists' as we have seen recently, they include those who are violent in communities in all sorts of ways.

Maybe they know that the people they target will not only suffer the psychological harm & physical hurt, they will also have ongoing consequent
FEAR that will put a halt to any thriving.

If this is so, then such perpetrators have been successful not only in the harm and ongoing fear they set out to inflict; they have succeeded in stopping the Global Community in its tracks from THRIVING for the GOOD of all and for the good of the planet in a COLLABORATIVE way.

So my questions are:

Do you as an individual want to just manage disappointment or do you want to thrive out of it?

Do we as a diverse Global Community want to just manage disappointment, manage the harm and hurt or do we really desire to THRIVE out of it on a Global scale?

What is the answer to be?

What does 'to THRIVE out of disappointment' as opposed to 'managing harm & disappointment' mean:           for you?
                                               for your community?
                                               for the Planet?

I agree with Gregg Braden and others when they say we are at a turning point rather than a tipping point. 
